
The Call for Contributions to CAMDA, a full conference track at ISMB, is now open!

Researchers world-wide take the CAMDA Challenge ( - compete with the best in an open-ended data analysis contest!

Choice of challenges 2018:

  • The MetaSUB Forensics Challenge presents hundreds of novel city microbiome profiles. Construct urban microbiome fingerprints and identify the geographical origin of mystery samples.
  • The CMap Drug Safety Challenge presents clinical toxicity results and gene expression responses to hundreds of drugs. Compare or integrate responses of multiple cell lines, predict drug induced liver injury in humans. Opt into an FDA meta-analysis.
  • The Cancer ...
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PTBI ogłasza konkursy na najlepszą pracę doktorską i na najlepszą pracę magisterską z bioinformatyki obronione w 2017 rok. Warunki konkursu są bardzo zbliżone do dotychczasowych, termin zgłaszania prac upływa w obu konkursach 15 marca 2018. Zapraszamy świeżo upieczonych doktorów i magistrów obojga płci do zgłaszania prac. Zachęcamy promotorów do zachecenia podopiecznych. 

Więcej informacji o konkursie doktorskim i konkursie magisterskim można znaleźć w odpowiedniej sekcji naszej witryny. 


NGS 2018 invites the submission of abstracts describing either original, unpublished research or research that has been published recently in a high-impact journal.  Selection for presentation as either an oral presentation or a poster will be based on the review of extended abstracts. Authors who submit original, unpublished work selected for presentation at the conference may be invited to submit a full-length paper or extended abstract with full data for peer-review to published in the ISCB Community Journal, ISCB NGS-BARCELONA channel. All posters will also be invited to submit in poster format to the ISCB NGS-BARCELONA channel.

The program will ...

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Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics - Varna, Bulgaria, September 11th, 2018 in conjunction with the 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications AIMSA 2018, Varna, Bulgaria, September 12th – 14th, 2018

Artificial Intelligence plays an increasingly important role in Bioinformatics enabling discoveries in metagenomics, regulatory genomics, population genomics and diseases, next generation sequencing data processing, etc. Some of the grand challenges in Bioinformatics include protein structure prediction, homology search, gene finding and gene mapping, gene expression data analysis, drug design in pharmaceutical industry, etc. and the intensive application of Artificial Intelligence approaches is expected to address them. From ...

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Dr Marta Łuksza opublikowała właśnie dwa artykuły (1,2) w Nature (w pierwszym jest pierwszym autorem, a w drugim drugim). Poświęcone są przewidywaniu losów pacjentów chorych na raka na podstawie ich podatności na pobudzenie odpowiedzi immunologicznej organizmu. Serdecznie gratulacje. 

1) Łuksza, M., Riaz, N., Makarov, V., Balachandran, V. P., Hellmann, M. D., Solovyov, A., ... & Wolchok, J. D. (2017). A neoantigen fitness model predicts tumour response to checkpoint blockade immunotherapy. Nature.

2) Balachandran, V. P., Łuksza, M., Zhao, J. N., Makarov, V., Moral, J. A., Remark, R., ... & Wells, D. K. (2017). Identification of unique neoantigen qualities in long-term survivors ...

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