
Zapraszamy autorów prac magisterskich i doktorskich obronionych w 2018 roku do startu w konkursach na najlepszą pracę magisterską i na najlepszą pracę doktorską z bioinformatyki obronioną w 2018 roku. Termin zgłaszania prac upływa 15 stycznia 2019. Szczegółowe informacje  o konkursie magisterskim  i konkursie doktorskim są dostępne w odpowiedniej zakładce na naszej stronie. 

Sympozjum Polskiego Towarzystwa Bioinformatycznego odbyło  się we Wrocławiu. W konferencji wzięło udział niemal 100 uczestników, z Polski i nie tylko. Zaproszone referaty wygłosili: 

  • Johannes Söding, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany, New algorithms and tools for large-scale sequence analysis of metagenomics data,
  • Colin de la Higuera, University of Nantes, France, Grammatical inference: where did all those good ideas go?
  • Mounir Tarek, CNRS-University of Lorraine, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France, Exploring the Complex Dynamics of an Ion Channel Voltage Sensor Domain via Computation,
  • Joanna Polańska, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, Single-cell sequencing – new data, new challenge.

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Conference: Hellenic Bioinformatics 11 • 2018

15-18 November 2018 • TCH | Thessalonica | Greece

Genome informatics, precision medicine & clinical omics

— in a world of data economies

about Elixir • biodiversity • bioinformatics • bioprospecting • computational biology • enzyme discovery • genomics • metabolic engineering • microbiome • pharmacogenomics • phylogeny • structural genomics • synthetic biology • systems biology • text mining

CFP and more information on the confernece website: H.bioinfo 2018

Important Dates:

  •  Abstract submission deadline: August 25th
    • Read the guidelines here
    • Notification of oral presentation September 10th
  • Early  Registration deadline: September 16th

Registration for the XI Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society is open. We invite all members of Polish bioinformatics society to come to our 10-th anniversary conference. We encourage in particular young colleagues to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations. Please go to the conference webpage at and register. 

Looking forward to a fantastic meeting in Wrocław. 

Witold Rudnicki

President of PBIS

The Call for Contributions to CAMDA, a full conference track at ISMB, is now open!

Researchers world-wide take the CAMDA Challenge ( - compete with the best in an open-ended data analysis contest!

Choice of challenges 2018:

  • The MetaSUB Forensics Challenge presents hundreds of novel city microbiome profiles. Construct urban microbiome fingerprints and identify the geographical origin of mystery samples.
  • The CMap Drug Safety Challenge presents clinical toxicity results and gene expression responses to hundreds of drugs. Compare or integrate responses of multiple cell lines, predict drug induced liver injury in humans. Opt into an FDA meta-analysis.
  • The Cancer ...
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