News details
"Big Data Training School for Life Sciences" 18-22 September 2017. Uppsala, Sweden
The course on big data for life sciences will be held in Uppsala, from 18th to 22nd September 2017.
The detailed programme is under construction, the topics to be covered include:
- Introduction to Big Data
- BIG Data Cloud solutions in Life in Life Sciences
- NoSQL databases with a focus on MongoDB
- Distributed storage and computing with Apache Hadoop
- Large scale data-processing with Apache Spark
- Machine learning with R
- Metabolomics
- Image analysis
The training course has a limited participation of 25 students.
A scientific committee will make a selection based on a letter of motivation written by the applicants.
Successful applicants will receive a fix stipend of 1000€ for their travel costs.
The Hands-on are intended for researchers (PhD, PhD students) with some background in the subject.
The lectures will be open and accept a maximum audience of 120 participants.
For applying to the Training School, with stipend, please mail this FORM to:
Registration for extra participants will be announced soon.
Deadline for applications 15 July 2017
Selected applicants will be notified the 5 August 2017.