Symposium of Polish Bioinformatics Society 2022 — Instructions for authors'

Registration / Abstract Submission / Fees in a nutshell 



1. Abstracts must be submitted through the registration system.
2. The body of the abstract should not include any identifying information, such as the authors’ names or affiliations in order to allow the double-blind review. That information should be written in the dedicated spaces. 
3. We strongly encourage the authors to fully use the limit of 1800 characters in order to provide greater insight into the topic.


Oral presentations

1. Time limit for presentations is 15 min + 3 min for discussion.
2. Presentations should be uploaded and checked at the registration desk or in one of the coffee breakers. We prefer to have your presentation in .pdf or .pptx fromat.


Flash talk presentations

1. Time limit for presentations is 5 min + 1 min for one short question.
2. Presentations should be uploaded and checked at the registration desk or in one of the coffee breakers. We prefer to have your presentation in .pdf or .pptx fromat.


Poster presentations

1. The maximum poster size is no larger than A0 (841 x 1189 mm/ 33.1 x 46.8 inches).
2. The poster session will take place at the conference venue (day/time of the poster session will be given in conference program on the website).
3. The poster number will be assigned in the abstract book that you will receive upon registration at the conference venue.